Norton Starr
Brian E. Boyle Professor Emeritus of Mathematics
and Computer Science

My Department Web Site

Department of Mathematics & Statistics
Seeley G. Mudd Building
Amherst College
Amherst, MA 01002-5000

Please send your questions or comments.

Site by
Updated 2-2021


In Memoriam,
Norton Starr

click hereComputer Graphics
click hereMy Tromino Puzzle & Puzzle Links/Info
Ungar-Leech Seven Coloration of Torus
Yin-Yang Globe

Selected Conference Handouts
-Volume Removed from a Truncated Cone
-Finding a Remote Root to a Transcendental Equation

Article - Logarithmic Growth as Malapropism

Translations - Torus (Indonesian) and Tromino (Portuguese, Romanian, Russian)
(NOTE: only the author's links will be added here as of June 2020)